IP Data Corp. does not sell, give away, or make any client information public, or available to anyone outside of our organization unless we ask our client's permission first - and then, only for a very good reason (such as safety, security or when required by law).
We feel very strongly about your privacy as well as our own. We will not add to the millions of pieces of junk email, commonly referred to as SPAM (or UCE - Unsolicited Commercial Email) no matter what profit may come of it. And we will do our best not to aid those that produce junk email. Email can be a very useful business tool, but only if used properly.
We periodically send email to notify owners and subscribers of our government publications series of important updates, corrections and new editions, as part of our regular service, but ONLY if they have asked for it. This is the only email we send to clients on a regular basis, unless you OPT-IN to a newsletter or other items of this nature that we may offer from time to time. You will never be "opted in" to anything we offer without knowing about it and specifically asking for it. You may subscribe to our Government Publications Newsletter when available, but we will NOT send it to you unless you ask.
Cookies, Web Bugs, Clear Gifs & Your Privacy
APLSSignonName = Bob SAT, 22-Nov-2003 16:32:11 GMT IPDataCorp.com/
The first item is the name and value for that item, followed by the expiration date of the cookie, and finally a "path" on the server that issued the cookie. As you can see, it's not "rocket science." We use cookies only to track your APLS logon, and they are only read by us (the same server that placed them there). We NEVER put passwords, PINs, or private/personal information inside of cookies.
For the most part, cookies are harmless, however, when combined with other technologies or practices such as "Web Bugs" (also known as Clear Gif technology) they can be used to track your "web surfing habits," purchasing patterns, and possibly even to identify you and your email address (and maybe even your physical name and address) along with all the other data they have collected about you. IP Data Corporation does do not approve of this practice, nor do we participate with any of the companies that do this sort of thing. We feel that if someone wants to know where you've been, they need to ask you, and you should also have the right to say "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS, Thanks..." Some companies participate and don't even know it. To prevent some of this from happening, you can set the security settings on your browser to "allow cookies to be read only by the site that put them on your computer." This does not interfere with purchases, shopping carts, APLS, or other legitimate uses that we are aware of. Deleting our cookies from your browser will not interfere with any of the services we provide except to log you off of our systems (until you log on again).
Credit Card Purchases